The Beaumont ACO is partnership between the physicians and the health system and is governed by a 15 member board.
BelalAbdallah, MD
HalimaAli, MD
CarolBaker, MD
Sasi Boppana, MD
Ghadi Ghorayeb, MD
Clara Kamath-Wood, MD
WayelKatrib, MD
StephenWilliams, MD
RajeshGulati, MD
AshokJain, MD
SamerSalka, MD
MichaelRebock, DO
Sarju Shah, MDChief Medical Officer
Halima Ali, MDAssociate Medical Director
StephenWilliams, MDAssociate Medical Director
Walter R.Lorang IIIExecutive Director/COO
Patrice R. GrayDirector, Practice Transformation Quality Improvement
Steven ManeyDirector, Clinical Analytics Decision Support
Steven PerenyDirector, Provider & Payer Relations ACO
Kathryn SmayDirector, Care Coordination